الخميس، 11 مارس 2010

اختبار اللغه الانجليزيه (الصف العاشر)

FINAL SCORE: /80 DATE 03/01/2010 NAME :----------------------------- TIME:1:30HOUR ENGLISH FINAL EXAM T.Mahmoud Al-khatib
Q1 Read the following passage, then answer the questions that follow. (18)marks
Technology experts are predicting that the computer games of the future will be a lot more difficult both for games producers and for players. In particular, they say, games will look much more realistic ,and computer controlled characters will be more believable. This means that keen computer games players will almost certainly spend more time playing games than they do at the moment .New technology will enable companies to create more complex games .The graphics of computer games will definitely improve ,but this may cause problems .Firstly ,games studios will have to employ hundreds of animators to produce enough creatures to fill huge computer worlds.
a- Who are the people that computer experts are predicting to have problems?
b- What is the disadvantage of improving the graphics of computer?
c- Write down the sentence that indicates the future look and the great change in computers.
d- What does the underlined word ( this ) refer to?----------------------------------------------
e- Find words from the passage which mean the following
1- skillful --------------------- 2- sure ------------------- 3- actually ---------------------
Q2 Fill in the blanks with the most suitable words from the box. (12)marks
export / agriculture / steps / habitat inhabitant / 1st floor / breed /
a- ……………. is selling goods to other countries.
b- The farming of land with plants is called............... .
c- To get to the bedrooms on the ………….you have to go up 15 ……….. .
d- Shaumari is a place to protect and…………..animals.
e- The Oryx is a natural.…………….of the Arabian Peninsula.
Q3 Underline the correct answer from (39)marks
a- Amman is not as.............as Cairo.(crowded,more crowded,the most crowded)
b- I haven’t eaten anything............. I got up this morning.(for,since,as)
c- Fahed is.............student in our class.(good,better,the best)
d- I am..............of spiders.(terrified,terrifying,terrifies)
e- She noticed a................man.(bared-headed,bared-head,bare-headed)
f-Are you .............me?(looking at,listen to,speaking)
g- Our school performs a............. play yearly(nation,national,nationally)
h- They think the school will be badly...........(affected,effected,effect)
i- This is a..............job(tired,tiring,tire)
j- A dark......... is a person with secrets.(fox,bird,horse)
k- If you want to be…………,you have to work hard(succed,success,successful)
l- Have you……….Fairouz’s new CD?(buy,bought,buying)
m-………… sugar do we have?(How much,How,How many)

Q3 Rewrite the following sentences ,so that the new one is similar in meaning to the one before it. (11)marks
a- It is a hotel with five stars .
It is---------------------------------
b- at the interview /probably / be/I will /very nervous .
c- when I / what /doing / phone you / were you / ?

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